Longo's is a high-end grocery store chain in the greater Toronto area with over 5,000+ employees. With rapidly changing landscapes in the retail space, retailers need to explore new ways to differentiate themselves.The path forward for Longo’s is a rigorous and long-lasting commitment to delivering world-class web-digital transformation of their grocery business.
E-Commerce Website
Drupal, Gatsby, React, SAP Hybris, Dynamics 365 CRM
Netlify, Pantheon
Project Link
Services Provided
Technical architecture, digital strategy, UX design, Drupal CMS development, front-end development, API integrations, accessibility audit, security audit, training & documentation.
At the time Longo's first reached out to Therefore, their website was out-of-date and in need of a complete overhaul. The initial mandate was to work quickly to deliver a temporary solution while developing a parallel strategy for a much larger and more involved digital initiative.
Effective collaboration with both Longo's stakeholders and partners, as well as aligning our efforts with Longo's internal IT and technology team was key to the success of this project.
Overall engagement objectives and goals for this project:
Deliver a world-class website and mobile experience
Utilize technologies that support Longo’s web-digital transformation goals
Redesign and rebuild www.longos.com on a modern secure and performant-by-design architecture
Architect for full modern e-commerce experience
In little over 5 months, a complete modern design system was created for Longo’s that was utilized to create React.js and React Native UI components that would power both the website and mobile app user interfaces.
The site was architected using Composable principles. Gatsby.js provided a static website framework for the React components. GraphQL was utilized to access and update data from various API's including a CMS, CRM and enterprise e-commerce back-end. The Jamstack architecture provided increased security and performance by design.
Content for the website is managed using a headless Drupal CMS hosted on Enterprise Pantheon infrastructure. Drupal provides content editors the ability to create content for dissemination across multiple channels. Various other API services provide profile information, e-commerce capabilities, recipes and scheduling data service to Longo’s digital platform.
The new modern web framework set the path to the eventual merger of Grocery Gateway service into Longos.com.